Sunday, June 08, 2008

Angola - growing but in what direction ?

* Don't know Angola. Never been there. I know many people from Angola, though!
* Portuguese and Angolans, claim that Angola it's a country with lots of natural beauties and opportunities
* Portuguese and Angolans that know, tell me about the horrible stories about corruption (mostly from the government elite), that stop the sustainable development of this "rich" country...
* Many emergent rich people from Angola (mostly with responsibilities in the government) are expending fortunes buying houses, cars, superfulous goods and let the rest of the population without basic food and services...
* My opinion: as long as there are these kind greedy people that only think of immediate profit and well being for themselves, the poorer will suffer more and more!
This applies both to Angola, which is experiencing at the present time economical growth, and to Portugal which has been living in democracy since 1974, and which claims to be a developed country in Europe!
* you will find on the net other people with comments relative to the "growth" of Angola (eg. here).
And of course the usual news massmedia channels will "skip" these issues that are not "political correct"

feridas por sarar - wounds that need urgent care

Darfur/Sudan - help on the resolution of this genocide
Some links to help you get in touch with this horrible conflict
* human rights watch