Sunday, October 23, 2005

Who is controlling Portuguese Parlament deputies ?

Nobody is really controlling the activities of the Portuguese Parlament deputies.
Why do Portuguese Parlament deputies have other "jobs" other than the job they have been elected for ?
Are the responsabilities of analysing and deciding Portuguese laws a simple task that leaves them with lots of free time ?
When we look at everyday news and see lots of weak laws that are misused by cleaver law firms/lawyers we can easily find out why is this hapenning !!!
Supposing that the job of Portuguese Parlament deputies is really easy, then I believe that there should be a considerable reduction in the number of Parlament deputies. This would save lots of money that could be better applied to hospitals and schools.


Sunday, August 21, 2005

GhostView link

Long time no see GhostView

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

GTDTiddlyWiki - all your tasks are belong to you

GTDTiddlyWiki - all your tasks are belong to you

Exploring this GTD

Abebias @Barça

Abebias is already in Barcelona to see U2 performing.
Meanwhile in Portugal everything points to criminal fires... the country is burning for so long.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Why are Portuguese trees dying ?

Portuguese people have not been very smart for several years, and in my humble opinion, are not concerned with the future of their own country!
Lets face it... forests (and the environment in general) are today less "valuable" than football stadiums !

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43 Folders

43 Folders

first blog post is the deepest

first blog post is the deepest
I find my self posting this text in Cerejais, which is in Alfandega da Fe, in Tras-os-Montes in Portugal.

guluseimas traveling and ending its summer holidays, nicely and calm.